Jack (Crazy Hearse) & Neil(Crazy Horse)

"Those seeking a genuine, loving tribute to the music of Neil Young & Crazy Horse, should look no further than West Michigan's Crazy Hearse. Not only does this talented group of seasoned musicians play the popular and familiar from the catalog, but hits all cylinders on deep cuts, too." - John Sinkevics, LocalSpins.com

Why Crazy Hearse?

Well, tribute band naming is tough. We wouldn’t want something like “Old Men” , true as that may be. In short, Neil’s albums and performances with Crazy Horse are some of his best. Neil drove a Hearse in his early years. He loved it and called it “Mort”. So ladies and gents, may we present to you...Crazy Hearse.

Why a Neil Young Tribute?

Neil (for awhile) pulled his music from streaming services in recent years and we can’t blame him. Without being on em’ though, a lot of us miss hearing it in the air the way there is always a Stones or Beatles song coming from somewhere. Neil’s career is also full of drastically different records. No two are the same and he wasn't exactly a hit parade. But he consistently created a vibe and an experience. The Hearse, in this case, is an earnest tribute to the way Crazy Horse might play any of Neil’s songs from his whole career. It is a tribute of a specific band and the songwriter at the center of it.